Breakfast at Gapo. But why I wasn’t happy?

A beach stretching to the pacific ocean? Find one in Gapo Beach!


Only a few kilometers away from the town proper, Gapo beach is another pride of Gamay…. Or if you would allow me to say, it used to be.

I am just very-VERY disappointed after this excursion we had one early morning.

On the photos you’ll see nothing but beauty. Well it really is beautiful… watching the sun rises and rays are striking unto the ocean… the water so cold… sea breeze so relaxing and you’ll hear nothing but trees swaying into the rhythm of the air and the waves singing.  Amazingly beautiful, right?

But what’s the horror? Beauty has it’s beast behind.

You see, I only took a snap of the seas, but you never get to see what’s behind me.

You’ll never believe that a beach, natural and undeveloped is NO LONGER A VIRGIN! Tell you why: One main reason, it became a dump site of wastes from around the town. I saw horror! Something, I didn’t expect when I was still younger.

When it was the time of Mayor Gomba, or was Mayor Odol Capoquian? There used to be a permanent dump site meters away from the beach. This is IF my memory serves me right. And IF not, Gamaynons, BE MY JUDGE. I would be humble to stand corrected.

This couldn’t be what I should be talking about in my blog, because one thing, I should be PROUD of what we have. But the people is destroying it breaking my heart! And it really pains me to see how dirty the beach  had become. My family used to enjoy it here. Now where would we spend our reunions and special occasions? Sure we can opt to use the house, which in fact we have been doing by the way for the past few years. But what if we want to celebrate somewhere; a place where we used to laugh, talk about those days and what’s in the future? Should a neighborhood town’s BETTER beaches save us? It definitely would be a SHAME!

I hope that this will make Gamaynons: ordinary citizens or government officials realize how terrible it is to see a pride turning to be an ugly one and how horrifying  it is to imagine it as the DISGRACE our our beloved hometown.


P.S. Pardon my frustration and disappointment. Only to realize that my photos has “GAMAY MAHUSAY!” on it, which means Beautiful Gamay. What can I say? An early morning post written on the spot. Now you know that I edit my shots first before expressing my thoughts.

Precious Moments Garden


After the stressful election, mom and my aunt decided to go somewhere and chill out. It isn’t  planned at all, because initially we were dreaming for Brgy. San Antonio’s beach. But one Sunday morning, out of the blues Mom asked my younger siblings and cousins if they wanted to go to PMG (Precious Moments Garden). The kids didn’t think twice and screamed yes right then and there.

Located at the tip of the town, PMG is a haven. You can pass by this place before reaching one of the prides of  Gamay: the Nabunglayan rock formation.

My younger siblings and cousins enjoyed the playground and the mini-zoo. While Mom, Ate Lorna, cousin Cha and I enjoyed the karaoke until 4 in the afternoon. It felt like it was our very own concert. Haha!

Such activities can be done in this place. At around 4pm, when the sun is not already blazing, we decided to go kayaking… actually, just them because I was afraid of getting wet. KJ time! 😀 But I had fun watching the little ones having their various hilarious moments with the water and with each other.

A-BIT-OF-THING: Have to walk 50 meters from the garden to their port if you want to enjoy the sea. I guess a little renovation or touch up there can do magic and can turn the place really amazing. Because they’re using their port, it wouldn’t be nice for foreign guests to go swimming and kayaking with the huge ships around.

Allow me to mention the food. We had Pancit Bihon and it was ok. We also had fried chicken which became obviously the favorite of everyone. 😉 As for the Tinolang Bangus, I guess if not for the bitter taste because of the fish’s internal organs, it could have been a one delicious tinola. But then again, we somehow enjoyed the food.

PMG also offers catering services for different events and gatherings. Also they have a little place for overnight spenders; for for those who want to enjoy the night far from the “sort of busy” town. At only 500php (Philippine Peso), a room is yours for 24 hours, and the surprise?  Room rates are based on per room, not per hour or per head. Can be a steal, right? And let me also commend the really nice and warm staffs. It might be because Gamaynons are hospitable by nature.

After experiencing the place, no more wonder for me if it became an instant favorite in town. PMG is such a cool place. A bit of touch ups here and there will definitely make the place even more amazing.

Precious Moments Garden

LOCATION: J.Balena Ent. Compound, Brgy. Baybay, Gamay N. Samar

ENTRANCE FEE: P50/head (includes a snack | Five years and older children are required to pay in regular rate)


Re-alive!: The Easter Sunday Special at Tadyaw Beach Resort and Spa, Tolosa, Leyte

Tadyaw, a jar made out of clay; that is what the name is in English.


But what’s in Tadyaw and it’s one of the most visited beach resorts in Tolosa, Leyte?

That used to be my question until my eyes wandered around the beautiful and happy place.



It’s easy!  Tadyaw is just along the way. Just don’t get confuse with the roads going Ormoc and Maasin, because the two will lead you to different ways. 😀

Private Ride

  • From Tacloban City it’d only take a 30 to 45 minute drive.
  • Drive to Palo, Leyte then once in Palo, take the Maasin way. You’ll know you’re in Palo town proper when you reach the Cathedral. (Note that going Ormoc (right) is a different way than Maasin(left).)
  • Once in Tanauan crossing, take the way to the town proper which will lead you to Tolosa. (In that crossing area the right side road is going Dagami/Burauen while the left side is your way to Tolosa/Mayorga).
  • Tolosa is just a few minutes away from Tanauan town proper. Just drive straight ahead.
  • If this ‘how to’ of mine failed, check google map. It’s easier! 😀  Or better yet, ask. Nothing to worry about, waray-waray’s are very nice and they’ll help you willingly! 😉

Public Transpo

  • From Tacloban City it’s a 45 minute to almost an hour ride.  Ride a jeepney going Tolosa or Mayorga. Both are passing by the place. Fair from the city proper is only 15php (Philippine peso).
  • If you’re not sure of what you’re doing (which is so like me! haha), ask the konduktor or driver. Then they’ll drop you off at Tadyaw.



If you really are craving for some beach fresh air and cool salty water and fun and peace and beauty… then Tadyaw is perfect for you! They also cater events from simple, small occasions to weddings and reunions and organization events at a very sensible price! Our cottage is only for 1,200php good for 10 people with free entrance. You can also bring in food without the corkage fee and charges and everything. Which some resorts don’t actually accommodate.  But if you hate the loads of bringing your own food, they have a restaurant and a grille where you can order.

Hyper fact:  I just want to say that their staff’s uniform is super cool!  The flowered dresses and maxi dresses and slippers and the Hawaiian inspired outfits. I even told myself, I’m gonna love working there because of the uniform… and the golf car also! Haha! 



The landscape of Tadyaw is perfect for photographers and nature lovers. A walk around the mini-zoo that displays some birds, the ducks that walks around the resort, the horses and the cows eating grass, the cheerful monkeys, and a couple ostrich will be kid’s instant favorite.  My nephew, Carl surely enjoyed calling the owls by making a sound of a monkey! Crazy kid! Haha!


Tadyaw also has a Spa and what’s more? The spa is just along the beach, beside the cottages. Talking about some relaxing moment with the cool breeze and warm sun!


Obviously, there’s none so much you could do in a beach but just enjoy the water, have fun bonding with your friends and families. But in Tadyaw, the experience is at a different level.

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I shall return!


The Rock Icon: Nabunglayan


Thirty minutes of walk under the scorching heat of the sun from our house to this magical place is so worthy! This rock formation is just one of God’s gift to Gamay: my very lovely hometown located at the eastern part of the country. Nabunglayan as it is called is the most favorite and most visited of both Gamaynons (Gamay citizens) and visitors (foreign and local). Why not? You can never go wrong with its mini-pools and cool waters that can distress any tired body and soul.


Nabunglayan Rock is an icon. Aside from its wonderful natural rock formation, cool waters and adorable sea creatures and its breath-taking location (north-eastern tip of the town; facing the pacific ocean), this haven is probably the most accessible among all summer destinations in town. You can reach it by just a few minutes of walk from the town proper, or can be taken by boat during high tides; although the place is most preferably enjoyed during low tides.

1If you really are wishing for that summer tan, just dip yourself in a mini-pool under the sun and voila! You did not only get your desired summer skin color, you also get to relaxed yourself from the hell weeks of your life!  😉

Due to heavy waves, these smaller rocks are produced and formed.
The little fishes that swim in the mini-pools. Dipping my feet in this pool filled with little fishes was a happy experience.
“Lato” as it is called is a plant that grows in the deep waters. This was freshly picked by Tatay Eme in the deeps. Dip this in vinegar- very deliciouso!
Mama and Nanay Lolit. They were like, “take a photo of us and post this in your blog. Let us be your models!” lols.

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Happy Summer! 😉


Had burned myself too much! The skin on my chest, shoulders and back parts are now peeling. Note to self: NEVER EVER DARE FORGET TO APPLY A PRODUCT RICH IN SPF – the higher the better! Still thank goodness that my face didn’t react that much. It just turned red- it even scared me. 😀